Tuesday 29 April 2014

Circus Posters

Over time advertising for circus' has been similar although instead of screen printing their posters circus'  digitally print their posters.
Although posters have changed dramatically in their way of demonstrating what the audience should expect. Instead of expecting a lion jumping through a flaming hoop or an elephant dancing in a pretty tutu the audiance is expecting crazy contortionists and exciting unicycling.

The advancement of technology has helped companies to explore deeper meanings into their posters. Older posters were at a disadvantage of lack of technology and materials, yet still managed to create distinct and iconic posters. 
Posters today have the technology to create bold and sharp images that engage and intrigue the audience. 
As you can see the style of posters have changed, some might say for the better others might say that the traditional posters are classics. I'll let you make up your mind on what style you prefer. 

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