Friday 16 May 2014

Cirque Mother Africa

'Masks, drums, beads, and amazing costumes and sets all bring forth the feel of authentic African traditions. Cirque Mother Africais not just a traditional African show. It also has a take on the modern, fresh and dynamic culture of the new Africa. This is a fresh and fantastic show that evokes passion and demands a response. Audiences are encouraged, prodded and charmed to actively respond rather than to simply watch a breath-taking spectacle.'

Cirque Mother Africa is a unique type of circus, it has been compared to 'The Lion King' but it incorporates traditional circus acts. 

'Critics have described this theatrical event as “enthralling”, “a theatrical treasure”, “a feel good spectacular par excellence”, “solid Entertainment”, “fun, fun, fun” and much more.'

If this sounds interesting to you Click Here learn more about their show at Canberra Theatre Centre. 

Interview With A Clown

How did you get into the clown industry?
Well I was always the class clown at school and in the holidays a family friend said that she had the perfect summer job for me. I later found out it was working that the local carnival as their clown. They taught me the basics of what i needed to do and it pretty much just felt right from that moment on.

How did you get your clown name?
Well where I was working that summer they had a tradition where at the end of the summer they would dub you with a name, it was a huge honer really. They named me 'Hobo Joe' because "Peppy Pete' because I was always happy and they never saw me frown.

Did you think you would be doing it this long?
Oh yes, I knew that summer that all I wanted to do was light up little kids faces, that moment where you see the light in their eyes, it melts my heart every time.

How do people react when you tell them your a clown?
Most people are purely jealous, ha I mostly work festivals and carnivals that come into town and occasionally travel around to different cities, i'm living the dream really.

What is your makeup routine to become 'Peppy Pete'?
Well I start off with the classic 'White Face' then i emphasise my eyebrows to make me constantly surprised, then I get lipstick, but I don't put it on my face, ha no I rub it onto my cheeks to create a
blushed effect. I use lipstick because it stays longer, blush falls away too quickly and if your sanding in the heat for long hours you tend to sweat and lipstick is the most effective way to maintain your look.

Well thank you Peppy Pete for allowing me to interview you. 

Circus Makeup

Through the years styles have changed and evolved. This makeup tutorial displays a modern interpretation of a classic Circus Du Solely style. Using the colours to resemble what what the performer is portraying, for example this this look could work well for either a fire twirler or even an aquamarine interoperate performance. 

The limitations of what makeup can extrude from the performer are limitless, makeup may not be something that the audience can see from a far, but it is an essential element that builds story line and following the characters through their hardships or happy moments. they colours can determine their emotions in that act. 

If you wish to invest in some quality circus makeup Click Here.

Unique Circus Images.

 Here are some rare images that have been taken of unique acts through the 1800's.
Lady and the Serpent  
Russian Contortionist 
Lion Tamer 
Hippopotamus Trainer
Lion Trainer 
Clown with Hippopotamus Trainer
Knife Thrower with Assistant 
Knife Juggler 
Unicycle Rider. 

These images are treasured in the circus world as they reflect the life and atmosphere of what once was the age of a life time. Before WHS (Workplace Health & Safety) was brought into the picture, acts would perform amazing death defying tricks that would aww an audience to silence, this makes it harder for performers these days to impress the audiance to the standards that where set by the 1800's acts. 


Barnum founding the Barnum & Bailey Circus, however was not only a discoverer of talent ha was an author, publisher, philanthropist and at one point a politician "I am a showman by profession...and all the gilding shall make nothing else of me" Barnum is credited for introducing the phrase "There's a sucker born every minute"

When he was 25, Barnum paid $1,000 to obtain the services of Joice Heth, a woman who claimed to be 161 years old and the nurse of George Washington. "Unquestionably the most astonishing and interesting curiosity in the world!" read one of Barnum's handbills. Barnum exhibited her in New York and New England, raking in about $1,500 per week.

P.T. Barnum was already referring to his enterprise as "The Greatest Show On Earth" -- and it was! "P.T. Barnum's Traveling World's Fair, Great Roman Hippodrome and Greatest Show On Earth" covered five acres and accommodated 10,000 seated patrons at a time ... and, to reach more people, took to the rails. - B

Barnum entered the circus world at 61 years old. He merged "P. T. Barnum's Grand Traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan & Hippodrome" with a traveling circus and museum of "freaks." It then became:

"P.T. Barnum's Travelling World's Fair, Great Roman Hippodrome and Greatest Show On Earth," 

Then in 1881 they merged again with James Bailey and James L. Hutchinson, "P.T. Barnum's Greatest Show On Earth, And The Great London Circus, Sanger's Royal British Menagerie and The Grand International Allied Shows United," Although this titles was too long, they then shortened it to "Barnum & Bailey's." This was then the largest circus the world had ever seen. - B

Thursday 15 May 2014

Circus Reincarnated

The face of circus has changed though the years, instead of having big red tents circus' are performing in arenas and amazing places like The Sydney Opera House.
Crazy circuses like Nitro Circus that involve motorbikes and crazy contraptions. 
Here are some highlights from their performances 

Classic Acts

The classic acts include

- Human Cannonball
The first human cannonball was launched in 1877 in London. It was a 14 year old girl called Zazel. Now I wouldn't try this at home, over 30 people have died due to technical difficulties with the safety net.

- Fire Breathing
Fire breathing is performed to enhance the entertainment of the show.  Professional fire breathers usually incorporate the element of danger as a great spectacle for the audience members.

- Knife Throwing 
Knife throwing is an art that takes mechanical measures to ensure the right amount of spins accrue in order for the knife to hit the target in the correct spot. Knife Throwing has been used in many pop culture movies lately, its the weapon of choice for Clove in the film 'The Hunger Games'.

- Strong Man 
The Strong man was always a large man who show the illusion they can lift 10x their weight. Strong men are usually portrayed wearing leopard skin togas and bulging mussels.

- The Bearded Lady 
Bearded ladies where commonly seen at the local 'freak show'. Women who where able to grow enough hair to cover their jaw line where desired within circus' as it was a trait that was vastly uncommon. Although towards the late 19th century women started removing it as there was a social stigma that started as freak shows faded out.

- Equilibristics  
Equilibrium is the art of balancing or maintaing equilibrium, it applies when a performer has the need to balance on a type rope or a trapeze, or if one was to be spinning plates. This also applies to stilts, unicycles, juggling, devil sticks and acro-balance. 

- Contortionists 
Contortionists are naturally more flexble than the average person. They then take this skill and train their bodies through intense acrobatic training to gain more flexibility. Although don't be disheartened, you can also become a contortionists, with time and practice anyone can get to the same level of flexibility.

DareDevil Circus

DareDevil Circus perform death defying stunts and tricks all over the world, they are based in Michigan, USA. Their performances contain fire twirlers, areal apparatus routines and more. These type of promotional videos are the best way in order for companies to promote their show.

Not only do they perform all over the world, they teach their tricks to anyone who is willing to pay. Through these two videos you can see the difference between the beginners and the professionals only those who are starting out have a lot to strive for.

The more videos you watch the more you will understand the way in which you need to move your body in order to achieve the tricks, and the more you will want to practice. 
Circus tricks are not just about doing, its about watching and perfecting the techniques in order to perform them with elegance and grace. Making the tricks look natural and organic is one of the hardest tricks to learn. 

Circus Products

Your one stop circus shop should be They supply Diablo's, Poi's, Juggling equipment, Stilts, Unicycles, Fire and Glow Gear, Circus Skill DVSs and Book and much more all at reasonable prices.
If your not sure what you want to buy they have a 'Popular' tab for your convenience. Be inspired and begin your circus life style with something easy like Poi, it is a quick and easy skill to perfect. It consists of balls at the end of string that you twirl around your body, similar to a gymnastic ribbon. The Poi's start from $15.
Of if your feeling adventurous learn the Diablo, now don't be fooled, there are many different types of diablos, for example: Beginner diabolos, professional diabolos, mini diabolos, fly bearing diabolos, fire diabolos, handsticks, string and LED diabolos. Do any of these sound like your cup of tea? These Diablo's start from $25.
Would you like to reach for the stars for real? Try their stilts. They start from $180.
Glow gear is quite a unique and is a killer at music festivals, would you like to get your hands on a LED Hackysack? well here is your chance, or would you like to browse their different LED products?

Warehouse Circus

Never fear those who live in Canberra, there is a circus school local to you too. Warehouse Circus is similar to Arealize, they run classes for all ages and skill levels. 
Dont be shy to call up even if you just have some inquiries, everyone who walks away from the classes states that they feel fitter and more enriched. 
'Warehouse Circus is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving the mental and physical health of young people through the medium of social circus.
Warehouse Circus has been providing social circus classes in Canberra since 1990. We have a host of programs including core circus programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced performers, adult classes, school holiday programs, and workshops and performances for community festivals and other events.
We foster a co-operative environment rather than a competitive one, and aim to give everyone an opportunity to learn fun skills they can show off with. You will be amazed at what you can learn!'
- Warehouse Circus. 

If you wish to contact Warehouse Circus click here. 

Circus Jobs.

Traditionally someone who wished to enter the industry needed to start from the bottom, for example, the stable boy would have to shovel the elephant poop or put the circus tent up in the middle of the night. Luckily times have changed and you can enter with your own unique act and be accepted by any circus really.

Are you interested in a job working as a circus hand or do you want to talk your act on the road? Then have a gander at this Facebook page, it offers jobs to those who are interested in either entering the industry or professionals who are looking for a change of location.

How To Make Your Own Juggling Balls.

This information is taken from The ABC Channel

1. Pour about half a cup of rice* into an empty water or soft drink bottle (if you don't have a funnel, make one from the top of a second bottle).
* The size of your juggling balls depends on the amount of rice you use.
2. Inflate a balloon to about the size of a grapefruit, twist the neck and stretch it over the neck of the bottle.
3. Turn the bottle upside down so all the rice falls into the inflated balloon – then remove the balloon from the bottle and let it deflate.
4. Cut the neck off the balloon – the rice will stay in the balloon.
5. Cut the neck off a second balloon and stretch it over the hole to seal the rice into your juggling ball.
You could use the ball like this, but they look heaps better if you add more balloons for some patterns and colour.
6. Cut the neck and a piece of the top off a third balloon and stretch it over the ball to get a single stripe of colour.
7. You can cut lots of very small holes in a balloon by pinching it between your finger and thumb and carefully cutting off the tips – remove the neck and stretch over a ball to make spotty patterns.
8. Done! You’ve just made some fantastic juggling balls … now all you have to do is learn how to juggle!

This is a quick and easy way to create juggling balls in your back yard with limited cleaning which is a plus. 

Vintage Circus'

Traditional circus' consisted usually of a bearded lady, the strong man, crazy contortionists and the clown. These acts have now been taken over by more contemporary and exciting tricks such as trapeze artists and amazing trampoline shows.

Another type of circus that was around soon after that was the adrenaline filled Dare Devil Acts, these shows where filled with knife throwing, human cannonballs and sword swallowing. These shows

Around the same time the classic Flea Circus side show was very popular, this consisted of fleas that where attracted to shall furniture to show the illusion that they where performing circus acts within small houses.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Interview With a Circus Beginner.

How did you hear about Aerialize?
When I was younger my mother places me in circus school as a way of learning unique skills, at the time I was also doing gymnastics, doing both at the same time helped me with my balance on both the trapeze and the balancing beam in gymnastics. And later in live i decided to go back and try it out again to see if i still loved it, so with a ten year gap of learning circus I went back and tried again.

What was your favourite apparatus?
My favourite was always the trapeze. It clicked best with my understanding of balance and moment, now don't get me wrong I love the silk as well but it doesn't have the same stability that trapeze offers and I enjoy the freedom that static trapeze gives.

What was the first thing you learnt at Aerialize?
Ha on the first day they got us to do the real basics, it was all bout the fundamental that we will have to lean to be able to do the more advances tricks. So we learnt how to juggle, keep a hula hoop up and we learnt to basic stretches that we where going to have to practice.

Do you enjoy the performance aspects of Aerialize? or do you just do it for leisure?
Oh I defiantly love the performing, it is what we work all year on some times, perfecting the tricks and learning new ones to impress the crowd. Its not just the performing that I love, its the whole environment that is created when everyone works together on one project and everything falls into place at the final moment. And after the final show is over everyone comes together in a momentous occasion to celebrate what once was.

What is your practice schedule?
Well I mostly attend the classes for the fitness and leisure and rarely participate in the performances, so my schedule consists of stretching every morning, attending class once a week and generally staying heathy.

Would you encourage others to attend the classes?
Oh yes defiantly, I have made some of my best friends during these classes and it is a great alternitive to  going to the gym every morning and you learn unique tricks and skills that you would not necessarily learn anywhere else.

Thank you, Sonia Hart for answering my questions.

Aertialize - Sydney Areal Theatre

For all you Sydney Siders out there who are interested in learning the basics such as acro-balance, acrobatics, hula hoops, juggling or if your up for some more advanced apparatuses such as  static trapeze, silks/tissue, Spanish web, Chinese Pole, contortion and more then I have the place for you.

Aerialize has courses that are held in a safe and comfortable environment for all ages and abilities. Students leave the classes knowing they have been tough by professional performers and instructors to ensure the safety and progress of the students capabilities. People attend these classes with different intentions, some wish to become professional performers and some attend for recreational purposes.

Aerialize run different kinds of programs such as 'Circus Skool' which is an eight week program that is run after school hours for all ages and abilities to attend, they evaluate your skill level and determine how they are best able to teach you the skills. It is a safe environment that ensures that if you have any physical constraints against your body they are able to teach you alternative ways of achieving the same skill.

Aerialize also have an annual show that the students work all term on perfecting their performances, anyone can come and watch the show. Each year there is a theme for the performance. It is a wonderful show that clearly displays the skills that the students have worked towards.

If you prefer the one on one treatment then listen up, classes last one hour and can accommodate 1-3 students at once. You have the control over what apparatus you with to learn making it easier for you to perfect your tricks and skills. The cost for these classes are cheaper the more people at tend the privet classes. One student - $85 each, two students - $100 an
d three students $120.

Now if your 16 and over and don't want to be surrounded by 12 year olds making a ruckus then you can enrol in the adult classes that are targeted at an apparatus or skill set or you can attend the all round class that teaches you the basics of everything. Or if you are Level 2+ you can attend the open training that is $15 per session where you can go in and practice on the already set up equipment at your free will.

To sign up for any of these classes Click Here. 

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Mime Artists

Mime is a form of entertainment that incorporates a performer trying to portray a story while staying completely mute. A traditional mime has their face painted white with black exaggerating the features including eyes and eyebrows.
Mimes have been portrayed in film to be sad and confused this all changed when Charlie Chaplin changed the outlook of the emotion the audience absorbs while watching.
Mime's in the modern day are rarly to seen on TV or as street performers as the silent films are less popular and hardly seen and most circus street performers do more exciting tricks such as juggling and fire twirling.
It used to be one of the only forms of entertainment, but the advancement of entertainment and technology has outlived the need for mines in the entertainment industry, now they are mostly seen at the circus and at carnivals. 

Monday 12 May 2014

Animal Circus Controversies

Animal-based circus' have been in the eye of environmentalists through the years as they have discovered animal living conditions has not been satisfactory.
Research shows:
  • 71% of the observed animals had medical problems 
  • 33% of tigers and lions did not have access to an outdoor enclosure 
  • 66% of tigers, lions and elephants were malnourished 
  • Lions spend on average 98% of their time indoors 
  • An average enclosure of tigers is only 5m squared
  • Elephants are shackled in chains for 17 hours a day on average 
  • Elephants spend on average 10 hours a day showing stereotypic behaviour 
  • Tigers are terrified of fire but are still forced to jump through fire rings
  • circuses travel 48 weeks per year, 26 hours animals are in cages during transport 
  • Every major circus that uses animals has been cited for violating minimal standards in the U.S Animal Welfare Act. 
  • 96% of animals live is spent in cages
  • Since 1990 there have been over 123 cases of lion attacks at circuses 
  • Animals are trained through discipline

Although having animals in the circus enhances the experiences, their medical stability is not worth being damaged for the entertainment of the audience. 
Over time, circus' have created better living conditions for the circus animals but they are still on the path of perfecting appropriate lifestyles for the animals. 
Ways that they can work on further improving the conditions include: less cages, more open space for the animals to roam, no shackles and not making animals go against natural instincts, for example, as stated above, tigers have a fear of fire yet they are forced to jump through fire hoops.

Circus Street Performers

Street performances such as "The Secret Circus" perform on a public platform to entertain large audiences in areas such as farmers markets and festivals. Most street performances follow themes, for example, this duo combines both circus acts and Mission Impossible music to create a interesting environment and engulfs the audience's attention. Circus performers must have something that sets them apart from all over street performers, for example, their style or particular trick.

Street performers don't always have such big audiences or crowd. Some work on a smaller scales such as: card illusionists, mimes, ventriloquists, jugglers and contortionists. 
Small scale acts, such as card illusionists and ventriloquists, rely on the audience to be engulfed by the trick.

Hula Hooping

Hula hooping was traditionally a form of dance that tells a story through motion and lyrical music. Over the years it has grown to a modern version of what it once was. These days you can see hula hoop artists hoop more than 15 hoops at once. 

In this YouTube video you can learn how to do the basics of the art of hula hooping. This video is a clear demonstration of how to perfect your hula hooping style. With practise you will learn to perfect your tricks and find your own style. Hula hooping is a clear path to the lyra which is similar to a hoop but is made of metal and hangs from the ceiling.
This video clearly demonstrates how to do a basic weave using one hand. After learning this trick you can incorporate other tricks into it and learn more advance styles of this trick. 

Sunday 11 May 2014

Tickets For Circus Oz

Circus Oz is the Steampunk circus that I have mentioned before, they are an extremely talented Australian circus that performs in many different styles, mostly with underlying themes of Steampunk but sometimes they take a different spin on their theme. Their current show is called 'Cranked Up' it is a much more traditional form of circus that still incorporates their big musical items and exquisite vocals.
The Tickets are on sale now and they start performing on the 18th of June, get in quick to snatch up a deal. 

Flicker Circus Photographers

There is a circus photography group on Flicker that has dedicated their time to posing their photos for those who are interested in unique and creative circus images. This group has got over 1,500 members and together they have posted 16,000 traditional and contemporary circus images.
This Flicker group is public to view and easy to join, they don't only post pictures they also have a place for discussions, so if you have any questions or topics that you with to be answered or learn more about that is a great place to ask them.
These photographs range from beginners level to highly advanced photography, so don't be shy to join the group and post your images. This isn't just a place to post images, while looking at these stunning images you find yourself inspired, thus making your work deep and filled with layers of meaning.

Circus Costumes.

Circus costumes have evolved over time with emaculate detail, designers have continued to create magnificent bold costumes that truly identify the role off the performers. Each performer has usually got a costume like outfit that translates through each circus. For example, Ringleaders traditionally wear a red tail-coat jacket with a top hat. Many traditional circus' continue with this tradition on a very literal scale but some circus' like to mix things up a bit and create a similar look but a little bit more creative. There is the traditional clown with the big red nose but these days the class clown is dresses in much more realistic ideas of what clown humour is.
The acrobats usually wear leotards that are skin tight with excellent detain that shines off the bright circus spotlights, these costumes usually relate to the act, for example if the performance is about two frogs that fall in love the costumes will reflect that, they would be different shades of green with a silver reflective surfaces to resemble the frog like simmer.
Costumes designers work very hard to make the costumes beautiful and spectacular as the audience is drawn in by the spectacular performance. The costumes help them engage into the story that the acrobats are portraying. 

Types of Trapeze

There are three main types of trapeze, these include:
Static Trapeze which is a motionless trapeze where the performer displayed their talented tricks with excelance. This is usually performed with slow intense music that allows the audience to watch in awe of the beautiful choreography.
Multiple Trapeze is similar to Static Trapeze except it contains usually three connected trapezes. If there are three trapezes there are usually three performers that work together to create interesting shapes and tricks.
Flying Trapeze is the act of which one or more performers glides through the air catching each other while demonstrating amazing tricks by twisting and turning their bodies in the air with only the knowledge of the thin net beneath them for safety.
These three types are only the beginning, but they are the most common and most performed.

Sunday 4 May 2014

How To Juggle 3 Balls For Beginners

This is a step to step video helping you beginners with the art of juggling. There are different styles of juggling that have developed over the years. Such as knife juggling, normal juggling, comic juggling and many more.