Thursday 15 May 2014

Classic Acts

The classic acts include

- Human Cannonball
The first human cannonball was launched in 1877 in London. It was a 14 year old girl called Zazel. Now I wouldn't try this at home, over 30 people have died due to technical difficulties with the safety net.

- Fire Breathing
Fire breathing is performed to enhance the entertainment of the show.  Professional fire breathers usually incorporate the element of danger as a great spectacle for the audience members.

- Knife Throwing 
Knife throwing is an art that takes mechanical measures to ensure the right amount of spins accrue in order for the knife to hit the target in the correct spot. Knife Throwing has been used in many pop culture movies lately, its the weapon of choice for Clove in the film 'The Hunger Games'.

- Strong Man 
The Strong man was always a large man who show the illusion they can lift 10x their weight. Strong men are usually portrayed wearing leopard skin togas and bulging mussels.

- The Bearded Lady 
Bearded ladies where commonly seen at the local 'freak show'. Women who where able to grow enough hair to cover their jaw line where desired within circus' as it was a trait that was vastly uncommon. Although towards the late 19th century women started removing it as there was a social stigma that started as freak shows faded out.

- Equilibristics  
Equilibrium is the art of balancing or maintaing equilibrium, it applies when a performer has the need to balance on a type rope or a trapeze, or if one was to be spinning plates. This also applies to stilts, unicycles, juggling, devil sticks and acro-balance. 

- Contortionists 
Contortionists are naturally more flexble than the average person. They then take this skill and train their bodies through intense acrobatic training to gain more flexibility. Although don't be disheartened, you can also become a contortionists, with time and practice anyone can get to the same level of flexibility.

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